Friday 28 September 2012

Why why why? (Or, whine whine whine)

I've diagnosed myself with a posterior tibial tendon issue.  I don't think that it is truly injured, more irritated and annoyed (much like myself at the moment).  I know that I didn't have any pain in my ankle when I was running on Sunday but, now that I am trying to connect the dots, I was aware during the run that I was developing a blister on the outside of my big toe.  I suspect that I was unconsciously adapting my gait to avoid the pain associated with rolling off my toe (a function of my overpronation) and therefore put more stress than usual on the PTT.  This also explains the completely new pain/tightness in the inside part of my calf (as shown by the light red section in the drawing) which then explains why the weak part of my calf popped again. 

Why did I suddenly develop a blister on my big toe?  The most likely explanation is fatigue.  I had done two fast (for me) runs earlier that week, and then got carried away by how good I felt during the long run and let my speed increase then too.  It makes sense to me that my foot and ankle muscles will have been tired, leading to poor biomechanics.  In other words, my foot got tired of working.  Maybe I've finally learned that 'long slow run' really does mean 'long SLOW run.'    

So, here I am, still not able to walk without pain (although it is gradually getting better).  I'm strapped up with KT tape, am using the foam roller and The Stick a couple of times each day, and am doing gentle stretching.  No running until I can walk without pain.  At least that's one lesson that I have learned!

Here's to you, Running Gods!
A leap of faith:  Yesterday, my official Virgin London Marathon 2013 acceptance pack arrived.  Today, I booked our hotel room in London.  It feels a bit presumptuous, given the current state of affairs, but I felt compelled to make a statement to the Running Gods.  Give up, me?  Never!


  1. How are things? Have the tape, roller, stick and stretches worked their magic - and will you be on the start line for the AHM on Sunday? I'm keeping fingers crossed for you.

  2. I think it's okay enough to finish the race - still very occasional calf twinges, but not enough to stay home! Keep those fingers crossed!
