Saturday, 21 July 2018

Virtually annoyed

Tourist season in the Big City of Inverness is not one of my favourite times.  Not only is traffic a nightmare (it took me 40 minutes to drive across town yesterday, a journey that normally takes 10 minutes), but walking has its own hazards.  I was fully prepared yesterday, after a week of dodging pedestrians on the High Street, to head butt the next person who either 1) came to a dead stop in front of me 2) cut across my path or 3) walked into me.  How difficult is it to LOOK WHERE YOU ARE GOING???

Today, though, I was able to stay on the much quieter Black Isle and my drive to the small local gym in nearby Fortrose was notable only for a couple of cyclists and an older person on a mobility scooter, all of which were easily overtaken.  I had a 40 minute cross-training session to do - I might not be able to run, but apparently that's not an excuse to do nothing - including 20 minutes at threshold effort, which I did on the elliptical machine.  Rather than watching television on the elliptical's monitor, I prefer to watch one of the Outdoors videos in which you move along forest trails, lakeside paths, and other scenic settings.  Pretending that I am outside helps to distract me from how mind-numbingly boring cross-training can be.

Anyway, today's choice was one that I haven't used before, a video of a paved walkway along San Francisco Bay, leading to the Golden Gate Bridge.  From the start, the person who had been operating the camera had to dodge and weave their way around random walkers, cyclists, and dogs.  I could feel myself getting irritated with all of this and tried to remind myself that it wasn't real.  However, when one of the walkers coming towards the camera JUST KEPT ON COMING, forcing the camera operator to stop and then move around the walker (and which made ME come to a stop as well, like it was really happening), the annoyance that had just been in my head to that point spilled out of my mouth. 'Oh FFS, get out of the way,' I growled, much to the surprise of the older gentleman sweating away on the elliptical beside me.  He finished his workout very shortly after that - I can't say that I blame him.

Cross-training:  the more like real life you can make it, the better.

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